Federal Textbooks PDF for all Classes
Class 1 to 12 FBISE Text Books 2025
Download Federal board FBISE textbooks 2025 in PDF from one class to intermediate level. All subjects text books for primary, middle, matric and inter level classes at a single platform.

If you are in search of PDF text books 2025 by Federal Text Book Board (FBISE) & NBF, then you are at the right spot. For the convenience of our visitors, we have arranged all textbooks by FBISE in a well organized manner. So, that our visitors can download these books without any hassle from a super fast downloading server.
Please choose your desired content from below:
Ustad360 provides FBISE board books of all subjects and all levels including Primary, Secondary, Matric and Intermediate Levels. We have uploaded more than 100 text books of federal board. Most of these books were scanned and unofficially uploaded by different educational websites. We have shared these books under OER law just for educational purposes.
We have tried our best to collect recent editions of Federal FBISE text books in PDF. Currently uploaded editions are fully supported for upcoming exams. Whenever there will be a change in the book, we will try to upload new edition at the earliest. Instead of updating editions annually, we only update editions when there are significant changes in the book. Or when previous editions are outdated and are not usable for current exams preparations. So, don’t worry about recent editions and enjoy the reading.
FBISE Text Books & eBooks 2025
From one class to FSc. Level, we have complete FIBSE text books collection, available on schoolzi, including:
- Class One FIBSE Text Books.
- Two Class Federal Textbooks PDF.
- Class 3 Federal Board Books PDF.
- Class 4 FBISE Text Books.
- Class 5 Federal Textbooks 2025.
- Updated Text Books by FBISE for Class 6.
- 2025 New Edition FBISE Textbooks Class 7.
- Eighth Class FBISE NBF Textbooks 2025.
- Matric Part 1 FBISE National Book Foundation Textbooks.
- Matriculation Part 2 (Class 10) FBISE Books.
- FSc Part 1 Textbooks Federal Board.
- Inter Part 2 FBISE PDF Textbooks
All Subjects Federal Text Books PDF
As mentioned earlier, we have uploaded all relevant subjects (Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, English, Urdu, Science, Computer, Geography, History, Statistics, Arabic, Social Studies, Islamic Studies, General Knowledge and other subjects) Federal FBISE Textbooks PDF for each class. But still if you don’t find any subject book, you may ask about it through our contact page. We shall try to upload your required book at the earliest, whenever we managed to get the PDF.
Although, we have tried to minimize all sorts of mistakes. But if you find any mistake in any of the notes, books or study resources, feel free to contact us on [email protected].
Credit for this books collection goes to taleem360.com and all relevant authors, publishers & boards.
Please upload PDF FSC in medical technology books for federal board Dispensing technology medical lab technician MLT OOT MIT RIT books etc.
Hello please upload 11 class urdu english islamiyat federal board books
please send english book full pdf
Please update model paper of computer science new book
Please upload compulsory subjects of XI federal board
Please upload new books of fbise full books class 11 please 🥺🥺🥺
Please upload new addition of class11 and 9 please 🥺🙏🙏 fbise
Please upload the all books of the Federal board for all classes. Some books are available and some are not. It create a great difficulty for students.
if u have then share me